This page is dedicated to my primary teachers and guides along the Natural Horse-Man-Ship journey. I have been blessed with so many gifted people who have helped me that time nor space will permit me to highlight all of them. Suffice it to say that, I am so grateful to...
Pat and Linda Parelli without whom I would have never known there was such a journey. Words cannot express my gratitude and respect for them. I pray that one day I might manifest a glimmer of the brilliance of their genius.
"There's A Ten" (aka "10"), who continually teaches me the principle of "the softer I ask, the more I get". He is my teacher for feel, timing, and balance.

Ronnie Willis is a consummate Master Horseman. His "iron hand in a velvet glove" as well as his incredible wisdom are the cornerstones of my horsemanship.

Jack Brainard is widely acknowledged as a Lead Change Master. Jack's wealth of knowledge and experience, couched in his gentlemanly demeanor and polite style of teaching, is a model for me.
Dave Ellis (aka Ranger Dave) is the person who was my steward through the challenging journey that is Level 3. His positive, imaginative, and enthusiastic teaching style is the model by which I structure my teaching. Dave continues to be my friend and mentor.

David Lichman, a quick witted, imaginative, and incredibly talented teacher, was my major steward through the Finesse Savvy of Level 3. I continue to marvel at the refined communication he creates with his horse. He is one of my main role models.

Christi Rains was my first PNH instructor. She took a guncil cowboy wannabe and taught him how to think like a horse. She impressed upon me the importance of communication, understanding and psychology as the basis for one's relationship with horses. Her stewardship through Level 1 and Level 2 set the foundation for all that was to come.

I also want to thank Andy Booth, Sharon Lindy, Bruce Logan, Barb Apple and all the other PNH Instructors for the learning I've received, and continue to receive, from them. I appreciate their friendship.